When you have dental implants, they will look and feel like natural teeth. Unlike many other dental restorations that require you to remove and clean them frequently, dental implants are able to be cared for much like normal teeth. Unlike tooth replacement options that are only designed to fit over your gums, dental implants are actually attached to your jawbone, which provide chewing support and stimulation for your gums and jawbone. The stimulation will ensure that you do not experience gum recession or face shape alteration due to the absence of your natural teeth.
Important After-Care for Dental Implants
Once the dental implants are in place, it will take a certain amount of time in order for them to anchor to your jawbone. The process of healing will also take time, and it is not uncommon to experience both swelling and tenderness for several days after the surgery. Avoid hot or cold foods during the initial healing time to reduce pain and discomfort.
You can feel extremely confident when it comes to chewing with your dental implants since they are anchored and able to provide excellent support. However, with dental implants, you still must avoid hard foods including ice or nut shells in order to avoid potential damage.
Maintaining Your Oral Health
The most crucial way that you can care for and maintain your dental implants after they are provided is to maintain a regimen of excellent oral hygiene once the procedure is complete. If you do not brush and floss on a daily basis, you are likely to experience infections around the dental implants that you have.
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to aid in reducing problems with the dental implant. Gentle brushing versus vigorous brushing will help to reduce abrasiveness against the tooth. Proper flossing can aid in reducing the risk of gum disease, which can lead to serious problems and possible implant failure if it is left untreated.
Why You Need to Care for Dental Implants
Good dental hygiene is essential for the implants to fuse properly to your jawbone. If you do not have great oral hygiene, your dental implants may fail. When you take time and put forth the effort to brush, floss and book regular oral hygiene appointments, your dental implants may last a lifetime with no need to ever be replaced.
While great dental hygiene can help you to prevent the need for dental implants in the first place, having a plan of action when it comes time to get them can be helpful. Remember, dental implants will restore your beautiful and healthy-looking smile and provide you with confidence to live your life with a smile. Contact Bismarck Advanced Dental and Implants today at 701-390-1920 to discuss your dental implant needs.