Free Dental Implant Consultation
Dental implants are now the preferred and longest-lasting method of replacing missing teeth for patients young and old. Unlike dentures, a dental implant is a permanent solution that remains in your mouth and closely resembles your real teeth. Dental implants also provide stable roots for dentures, crowns, and bridges. Bismarck Advanced Dental and Implants provides a dental implant consultation to determine if you are a candidate for all-on-four dental implants, traditional dental implants, or implants for bridges.
Step One – Consultation With Our Dental Expert
When you come in for a consultation, you will meet with Dr. Derik Hoerner, our dental implant specialist, to discuss the implant process and answer any questions you have about dental implants. This step will determine your candidacy for affordable dental implants.
At Bismarck Advanced Dental and Implants, we place the implant post, as well as manufacture and place the tooth restoration on top of the post. We are trained in all of these expert phases of implant dentistry, which saves you the inconvenience of going to multiple offices for implant treatment.
Step Two – Discussing Your Treatment Plan
Depending upon the scope of work you need, we will set up a comprehensive treatment plan. The plan will include treatment specific to your dental needs which may include bone grafting, along with x-rays. and a scheduled appointment to check on implant progression and how it is bonding with your jawbone.
Step Three – Navigating Finances
We will discuss the cost of dental implants with you after your dental implant consultation. It is difficult to give pricing over the phone because we need to look at your bone density and overall health prior to providing cost information in order to determine which dental implant is right for you. We will discuss financing options, if needed, to ensure you are a candidate for dental implants.
To schedule your dental implant consultation, contact our office at 701-390-1920. You may also reach us by filling out our online contact form.