Dental emergencies can happen at any time. When they do it’s beneficial to know where you can find and emergency dentist for immediate treatment to prevent lasting damage and further pain. Bismarck Advanced Dental and Implants offers impeccable emergency dental services throughout North Dakota. Dental emergencies are different from person to person and take on many forms, but no matter the problem our office is open for same day appointments.
Broken Filling
Maintaining good oral health is crucial for many reasons and one is that you don’t have to worry about breaking fillings from previous cavities you’ve had. If there is little damage to the filling/veneer then pacing the veneer can be effective, but if there is more damage then your emergency dentist may need to discuss other options to ensure your oral health remains at its peak.
Missing Tooth
The most common cause of a missing tooth is trauma to the mouth which causes one or more teeth to be knocked out. With emergency dental services it is possible the tooth can be saved so if you find yourself in this position visit your nearest hospital or emergency dentist office immediately.
Broken/ Chipped Tooth
Broken and chipped teeth are becoming increasingly more common. The best course of action if you have suffered a broken tooth or cracked tooth is to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. It is also beneficial for you to save the chipped piece if possible. Sometimes the tooth can be saved while other cases require extraction.
Out of Position Tooth
Another type of dental emergency includes trauma to the mouth resulting in a tooth or multiple teeth being knocked out of position. While the tooth may not have come completely loose, it may be twisted, pushed back, or crooked from its usual position. If this is the case the best remedy would be to very lightly press with your finger to reposition the tooth into alignment and then lightly bite down to keep the tooth in position, and then contact our office for treatment. Treating these conditions immediately after the incident may be the difference between losing the tooth and saving the tooth so it is important to visit an emergency dentist.
Something is Stuck in Teeth
If you have an object or piece of tooth stuck in your teeth and have made valuable efforts to get it out then you may need to make a trip to our office for an emergency dentist appointment. Especially if the object is causing severe pain and inflammation in your mouth. The only item you should be using to retrieve the object however is dental floss, anything else risks further damage to your teeth and mouth.
Severe Toothache
Sometimes a toothache is completely harmless and is not a precursor to a more serious dental condition, other times it is a sign that something else is going on. Toothaches can be caused by a variety of different issues, anything from something stuck between your teeth to an infection in a tooth.
The following steps can be taken to remedy the toothache, but if these do not help and your pain remains severe then an emergency dentist may be exactly what you need. Rising out your mouth with warm water can help wash out anything that may be stuck between your teeth. Cold compresses can also be beneficial iis cases where there is inflammation. Be sure not to use heat compresses since this can result in gum damage.
Abscess Tooth
An abscess tooth can be very painful and dangerous if it is left untreated. Essentially, an abscess tooth is an infection of the nerve of the tooth. The most common causes are tooth decay and poor oral hygiene where plaque builds up so much that it results in an infection. Cavities can also play a role in causing an abscess since it leaves access for bacteria and plaque to enter the tooth. This condition can be extremely dangerous because the infection can spread throughout the body and even causes sepsis in very severe cases.
Symptoms of an abscess to be aware of are: fever, foul breath, pain while chewing, redness and swelling of gums. An Emergency dentist and dental services are exactly what you need if you suspect an abscess tooth. This condition needs to be tended to immediately to ensure the infection is cleared up and there’s no risk of it spreading.
Broken Jaw
Broken jaws most commonly happen from a blow to the head. While a broken jaw can be serious in itself, other injuries may also be present as a result of the impact and potentially be life-threatening. So if you suspect you have a broken jaw call our office or go to the hospital immediately.
A dental emergency can be very dangerous and should not be taken lightly. If you or someone you know has suffered from any of these conditions make sure you get help immediately from an emergency dentist. Our Bismarck Advanced Dental and Implants office offers reliable emergency services.