Bismarck Advanced Dental and Implants will help you have a great smile, pending your commitment to regular checkups and good hygiene. This article will give you some tips or having a great smile that is enhanced by having white teeth.
- Brush and floss daily. You should use an ADA approved brush, toothpaste, and floss in order to help clean your teeth. This will help clean your teeth on a regular basis and remove food and plaque that may discolor your teeth and cause cavities over a long period of time.
- Consider what you eat and drink. Coffee, tea, and soda will stain your teeth. If you do drink and eat things that may discolor your teeth, immediately brush after the snack or meal. Fruits, dairy, and vegetables are good for you and help strengthen your teeth. These types of habits are very important because your dental health is only as good as what you put in your mouth.
- Consider chewing a sugar-free gum that is sweetened with Xylitol. This natural sweetener can prevent plaque. Plaque cannot digest Xylitol. This natural sweetener also reduces the amount of acid in your mouth. It increases saliva production, which can act as a natural cleaner in your mouth. Even if you chew this gum, it is important to brush and floss regularly.
- A small serving of cheese after a meal can help prevent tooth decay and re-mineralize your enamel Cheese, milk, and yogurt are great for this because they contain calcium and phosphorus. These two minerals are important for restoring your teeth if decay starts.
- There is an old anecdote that chocolate can help remove plaque and prevent cavities. This is true to a certain extent. The husk from the cocoa plant contains natural materials that can clean your teeth. Still, brush after any chocolate serving, due to the fact that chocolate has sugar, which has been proven to cause cavities.
- Use natural whitening agents that your dentist may recommend. This will help make it so that your teeth are white, in addition to your daily flossing and brushing. Always consult with your dentist on what natural materials that you decide to use.
Good dental hygiene and healthy living will make it so that you have the best dental care possible. You should try and eat healthy every day. In addition to brushing and flossing, visit our office regularly and you will have the whitest smile possible thanks to our in-office teeth whitening services.